
The Ripepotatoes are two authors who have a vehement passion against most “high-fashion” shoes, as they are decidedly ugly. This passion is only quenched by our ardent love for the Lord and the teachings of the Church.

If you like to indulge in the latest criticisms of ridiculously impractical (and have we mentioned ugly?) shoes while also acquiring a healthy dose of Canon Law, the Catechism, the Bible, Church teachings, and inspiration from the Saints, than this is the place for you.

The authors of this blog are long-time best friends who enjoy wasting copious amounts of time together playing Zoo Tycoon, bingeing Psych episodes, and writing blogs about Ugly Shoes and Canon Law.

When we decide to make good use of our time we enjoy hiking, volunteering, and praying together.

The Rise Of the Jesus Sandal

Happy Easter dear Spudkins! Christ is risen, Alleluia! While it only took Jesus three days to return from the dead, since we are not God Himself and are limited by our human failings, it took us three years. Look, we all know what everyone is thinking–“What could the ripepotatoes possibly talk about that would bring…

Croc’in to Confession

The end of the year is fast approaching, and it has been quite the year.  2020 has been a year that many people thought would never end—with each month introducing a new catastrophe and the insanity of quarantine driving people so absolutely bonkers that for some reason mullets are making a comeback—but that’s for a…

Clearly in Need of Clarity

We are back Spuds! Whether you want us or not… You may be thinking to yourselves at this moment, “Did you really just write two blog posts and then peace out for seven months?” The correct answer would be: Yes, yes we really did. But lucky for you we are back and better than ever,…